Honesty As A Form of Idolatry

Rabbi Bradley Artson
Rabbi Bradley Artson
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson

Abner & Roslyn Goldstine Dean’s Chair

Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies

Vice President, ÍõÖÐÍõÁùºÏ²ÊÌØÂë

Rabbi Dr Bradley Shavit Artson () has long been a passionate advocate for social justice, human dignity, diversity and inclusion. He wrote a book on Jewish teachings on war, peace and nuclear annihilation in the late 80s, became a leading voice advocating for GLBT marriage and ordination in the 90s, and has published and spoken widely on environmental ethics, special needs inclusion, racial and economic justice, cultural and religious dialogue and cooperation, and working for a just and secure peace for Israel and the Middle East. He is particularly interested in theology, ethics, and the integration of science and religion. He supervises the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program and mentors Camp Ramah in California in Ojai and Ramah of Northern California in the Bay Area. He is also dean of the Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam, Germany, ordaining Conservative rabbis for Europe. A frequent contributor for the Huffington Post and for the Times of Israel, and a public figure Facebook page with over 60,000 likes, he is the author of 12 books and over 250 articles, most recently Renewing the Process of Creation: A Jewish Integration of Science and Spirit. Married to Elana Artson, they are the proud parents of twins, Jacob and Shira.  Learn more infomation about Rabbi Artson.

posted on June 7, 2002
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading

Idolatry is the practice of treating something of relative importance as though it were of ultimate significance.  In our idolatrous age, we often act as though money, careers, sex appeal or prestige are of ultimate importance, when in fact, they are only worthwhile to the degree that they can contribute to our becoming better, more compassionate and more responsible people.


Today's Torah reading highlights another source of idolatry.  It is altogether common to treat honesty as the highest value possible.  We justify an unkind remark with the observation that it is true; we make a virtue of telling it like it is, regardless of the effects of our self-centered "integrity."


The conversation between Sarah and God reveals a more caring form of honesty, one which recognizes higher values and transcendent concerns.  Honesty which flies in the face of those values is not a virtue.  It is yet another manifestation of an unhealthy obsession with self â€“ a greater concern with our own clean fingernails than with another people's feelings.


God reveals to Abraham and Sarah that they will bear a son in a year's time.  Sarah is 90 years old; Abraham is 100.  Both desperately want a child, yet both are resigned to the reality that too much time has already passed to realize that cherished hope. When told that she would indeed bear a son, Sarah gives vent to her pent-up anger, disappointment and hope in a laugh. "Am I to have enjoyment, with my husband so old?"


In reporting her words to Abraham, God decides to modify her statement.  God understands that Abraham would be hurt by Sarah's assertion that Abraham is too old to father a child.  So God tells Abraham that Sarah referred, instead, to her own age. "Shall I in truth bear a child, old as I am?"


God is willing to ignore questions of integrity in order to preserve Abraham's dignity and the peace between husband and wife. 


Rashi (11th Century France) notes that "Scripture altered her statement in the interests of peace." Mip'nei darkhei shalom â€“ for the sake of peace, we are instructed by Jewish wisdom to modify our statements.  Honesty, while precious, is not an ultimate value. Important as it is to tell the truth, honesty retains its preeminence because it helps human beings live together in peace.  On occasion, however, scrupulous honesty can damage a relationship and in that instance, it is more important to protect a person's feelings self-worth and love.

The Mishnah, an early rabbinic compilation, tells us that on her wedding day, a bride is to be told that she is beautiful, regardless of how she really looks.  Why?  Mip'nei darkhei shalom, for the sake of peace.


If serving the Lord does not lead to caring for the dignity of other human beings, does not lead to a willingness to ignore one's own integrity to protect another's feelings, then there is something lacking in our notion of what God wants.


According to the Torah, and according to rabbinic tradition, God cares about human caring. Honesty in the service of compassion and growth is a mitzvah, even if the truth is painful. Honesty at the expense of another human's feelings, simply to air one's own viewpoint, is a betrayal of God.