
We are very pleased that you are interested in studying for the rabbinate at the Ziegler School. These are very exciting times in the Jewish world, and never has the need for creative, talented Jewish leaders been greater. 

In order to begin the application process, prospective students must complete a request for application - click to get started, as well as complete a preliminary interview with one of our admissions representatives. Please call our office at 310-440-1510 to schedule a time.

Once you are invited to apply for admissions, you will be provided with an online link, where you will be asked to complete the following items. The priority deadline is February 1. GRE or other entrance exams are NOT required. 

For a Complete Admissions File, You Must Complete

  • Online application for admission
  • Admissions essays
  • Have all colleges or universities you have attended forward official transcripts
  • Obtain four (4) letters of recommendation
  • Submit a $100 application fee
  • Complete an in-person interview
  • Hebrew Entrance Exam

Pre-requisites to the Program are

  • A bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science) from an accredited college or university. 
  • Admission into the school is contingent on the ability to place into the appropriate Hebrew level prior to the candidate’s scheduled beginning of the program. Please consult our Hebrew Requirement document here.
  • Strong written and oral communication skills.
  • Committed to a life of mitzvot in accordance with Jewish law, as interpreted by the Conservative movement's Committee on Jewish Law and Standards.  

Please have official transcripts sent directly to the Ziegler School, 15600 Mulholland Dr., Los Angeles, California 90077. If you have not yet graduated from college, please submit transcripts of work completed to date. Final transcripts will be required prior to enrollment at the Ziegler School.

To begin the application process, please complete the request form (LINK BELOW) and contact the Admissions Office at 310-440-1510 to schedule your preliminary interview. We look forward to having you apply to the Ziegler School. 

Program Goals

The Ziegler Rabbi:

  • Masters the Masorah – synthetically and technically, 
  • Connects with lay people and is skilled in outreach, 
  • Distills the Tradition in ways useful to people’s lives, 
  • Is motivated by God and shares that faith, 
  • Loves Jews as well as Judaism,  
  • Pursues a socially conscious rabbinate, 
  • Elicits the theological underpinnings of sacred texts, 
  • Teaches and observes mitzvot passionately.  

Program Learning Outcomes 

Students graduating with an M.A. in Rabbinic Studies (MARS) and Rabbinic Ordination from the Ziegler School will be able to: 

  1. Demonstrate literacy and competency of Hebrew texts and bodies of materials. 
  2. Articulate ethical, theological, and spiritual groundings and values (e.g.: synthesizing and articulating sources from Hebrew and Aramaic texts) to understand its relationship to contemporary Jewish life.  
  3. Apply the knowledge of Judaism, Tanakh, and sacred texts to communicate as religious leaders within their communities and the broader public, both in written and oral form, in teaching, and in counseling. 
  4. Apply, compose, and discuss their theological convictions to engage with various audiences and different life situations.  
  5. Critically apply their intellect, affect, and insights to constructively engage and support individuals, the Jewish community, and diverse groups.   
  6. Understand and appreciate diverse perspectives and differences within social, theoretical, and cultural systems by mobilizing Judaism toward building vibrant and inclusive communities. 
  7. Exemplify and articulate Jewish observances in their lives and in the service of those they counsel and teach. 
  8. Understand and be able to use a process for decision-making utilizing ethical, theological, and spiritual insights from Jewish sources and traditions. 
  9. Develop and effectively articulate their set of practical skills and tools on a resume, a senior project, during their residency, and in interviews.