The course listings for EdD in Jewish Early Childhood Education is as follows:

  • EDU 700 Foundations of Doctoral Studies 4 units

    This is an introductory course to orient students to doctoral studies in Early Childhood Education, what it means to be a scholar in a particular subject matter, and, the requirements for an EdD in ECE.  Critical thinking skills, scholarly writing, empirical research, and ethics are discussed. This course is reading-intensive with an emphasis on being able to articulate the ideas presented in the readings through discussions and writings.  so that students are equipped for the rigors of doctoral studies, what it means to be a researcher, and success in completing a dissertation.

  • EDU 701 Current Trends in Early Childhood Education Research 4 units

    This course is designed to provide doctoral students with access to current trends in early childhood research. This will include a focus on the various elements of early childhood education, including pedagogy & curriculum, child development, child psychology, preschool, families & parenting, and non-developmental perspectives on early childhood.

  • EDU 703 Philosophy of Jewish Education 4 units

    In this course, we will assume a philosophical disposition to critically examine a wide variety of visions of education and learn to articulate our own visions of education. This course builds on the philosophical questions visited in previous coursework on pedagogy and curriculum design, offering a broader examination of the competing purposes of Jewish education. We will gain exposure to and practice in using philosophical language and argument to create a vision-driven approach to education.

  • EDU 704 Research Methods I: Qualitative Methods 4 units

    The aim of this course is to acquaint students with qualitative research methodologies. To this end, a blend of informative, interactive, and practical techniques will be employed to teach students relevant knowledge and abilities associated with qualitative research. Throughout the course, students will be expected to undertake their own qualitative study by individually collecting data, analyzing it in small groups, and presenting the outcomes of their analysis. Additionally, students will be required to submit their interview guides, interview transcripts, codebooks, and analytical products for evaluation. Moreover, students will be assessed based on their in-class participation and their final presentation. Ultimately, by the conclusion of the course, students will acquire proficiency in formulating appropriate qualitative research questions, conducting qualitative data collection through interviews and focus group discussions, and scrutinizing qualitative data. Students will also be exposed to diverse approaches to presenting qualitative research findings and gain insight into the various practical applications of qualitative data. This course encompasses both qualitative data collection and analysis as well as writing objectives. 

  • EDU 705 Research Design 2 units

    This doctoral course in early childhood education focuses on research methods and research design. It emphasizes the conceptualization of a research design, the selection of a study design, and information-gathering and analytical strategies, such as case studies, experimental and quasi-experimental design, survey methods, open-ended interviewing, and observation. The course also addresses how to develop and use a conceptual framework to ensure that the gathered information is relevant and valuable in answering questions that may arise in a thesis or policymaking. Accordingly, the course concentrates on defining early childhood issues and suitable research questions, constructing basic conceptual models, operationalizing concepts into variables, comprehending the types of study designs and data collection methodologies available to understand early childhood education problems, and creating an overall strategy for research design and execution. Each student will need to make some basic decisions about their dissertation topic as part of the course. As an early childhood education practitioner, one will be required to identify and consider authoritative research to understand early childhood issues. Thus, the course will be taught in the context of developing ideas for the dissertation. The course includes a series of assignments where students develop and use study designs and data collection methodologies to define a research topic and write a research proposal on that topic. The course format combines lecture, group exercises, and discussion. 

  • EDU 707 Defining 鈥淨uality鈥 in ECE Programs 2 units

    Professionals, parents, policymakers, and researchers all agree that quality in early childhood education is critical for positive outcomes of these programs. However, the precise and consistent definitions of what constitutes quality has evaded the field since its inception. This course will examine quality in early childhood structure such as teacher qualifications, professional development plans, and class size. The physical environments such as materials, apparatus, furniture, and other elements. The curricular environment such as activities, planning, assessments, and curriculum models. The temporal environment including scheduling, hours of operation, activity duration, and use of time. The interpersonal environment including teacher-child interactions, teacher-teacher interactions, teacher-administration interactions, and program-family interactions.   

  • EDU 708 Research Methods II: Quantitative Methods 4 units

    The primary objective of this course is to equip students with an understanding of statistical concepts and procedures essential for reading, understanding, synthesizing, and ultimately conducting accurate statistical analysis and applying quantitative methods in educational research. Students will gain knowledge through a combination of assigned readings, discussion, practical experience in utilizing a computer program for data analysis, and hands-on application activities. As part of the course requirements, students will be expected to identify and report on the quantitative methods employed in published research articles, collect and analyze data using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and produce written reports on methodology and findings. 

  • EDU 709 Leading for Social Change in Early Childhood Education 4 units

    This course is an introduction to and survey of major historical and contemporary theories of educational leadership. Through this lens, students will learn how to evaluate dilemmas, problems, and critical incidents that typically occur in educational settings to master leadership theories and apply them to educational settings. Additionally, students will use research and theory to engage in research-based conversations about educational leadership, Jewish early childhood education, and enhance practical wisdom.

  • EDU 710 Design for Dissertation 2 units

    This course is intended for advanced doctoral students who have already completed their methods courses and want to further enhance their research skills. The main goal of the course is to guide students in developing their dissertation proposal writing abilities, and to become proficient in selecting appropriate research designs for specific research questions. Additionally, students will gain an understanding of the factors to consider when evaluating the overall quality of their research. Students will learn how to conduct a comprehensive literature review and explore various methodological approaches for their research topic. The emphasis will be on creating a research question that can be empirically investigated during the doctoral program. Although the course is primarily focused on writing the dissertation proposal, it also serves as a refresher on fundamental research concepts, such as reviewing literature, understanding theory, identifying research problems and methodologies, gathering and analyzing data, presenting results, and applying research to address educational issues. Furthermore, students will develop an understanding of the purposes, assumptions, and reasoning involved in research methodologies. 

  • EDU 711 Leading to Promote Learning 4 units

    In this course, we will explore the optimal ways in which adults and children can learn. We will center our attention on various curriculum models, delivery methods, learning environments, and assessment techniques.  

  • EDU 712 Education Finance and Policy 4 units

    This course focuses on using economic theory, econometric methods, and related social science research to examine economic issues in early childhood education. The course begins with exploring theories and research that view education as an investment in future productivity, evaluating the value of early education and returns to it. The production of education is then studied, taking into account different inputs and the role of education in domestic and global economic growth. Early childhood education is analyzed with emphasis on current policy debates. The course also discusses the organization of early childhood education and the use of incentives to improve educational effectiveness. Research on early childhood education markets such as Head Start and Early Head Start, school quality, and choice, and the impact of family peers and educational environments is explored, followed by an examination of early childhood education reforms and efforts to increase accountability. While econometric methods play a significant role in assessing early childhood educational policies and interventions, this course draws on interdisciplinary perspectives and current issues to enrich discussions. 

  • EDU 713 Dissertation Practicum 4 units

    Faculty guided independent study leading to the development and writing of a dissertation literature review and study focused on either theoretical or applied research.  

  • EDU 714 Concept Paper 6 units

    Students will work with faculty and dissertation advisors to create the foundation of their dissertation including the problem statement, research questions, methodology and steps needed to finalize these. 

  • EDU 715 Applied Dissertation Research 6 units

    This course is the final course that brings the dissertation process to a close. Prior to this course students will have studied research methods and design. They will have completed the research design, literature review, and methodologies sections of the dissertation. In the previous semester, once students鈥 concept paper was approved, students will have begun to collect data for their study. This final semester will be the closure of data collection, the writing of the dissertation itself, and conclude with the defense of the dissertation.

  • EDU 722 Doctoral Intensive 1.5 units

    The Doctoral Intensive is a mandatory in-person learning experience at the 王中王六合彩特码 Brandeis Bardin campus in Simi Valley, CA. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of how a research proposal is formed, the steps necessary to compose a hypothesis, and how the Institutional Review Board reviews proposals. Students will also work individually and in groups on research related provocations. Opportunities for Jewish study will also be afforded.