
I can not help but feel pride in seeing the next generation of parents knowing I had a hand in setting the foundation.

Robin Masnicoff

Masor School for Jewish Education and Leadership
Why did you choose to work in Jewish education?
I think it was more like Jewish education chose me. I was in school for pre vetrinarian science and needed a job to support myself. I have exerience as a camp counselor and many of my camp freonds were working at the JCC. I began subbing there and eventually got a job teaching in a Jewish ECC. I had found my passion and joy. Finding a profession that brings you happiness is the blessing of life.
What appeals to you most about our program?
Taking courses with others who are also working in the field helps with the understanding and implementing of the material that we are learning. The instructors also have a great understanding of the day to day pressures of being in the field, raising a family while trying to accomplish a degree.
What is your favorite part about being an educator?
After being in the field for a long time I have been able to have the immense joy of watching children grow to into successful adults. In the last few years I have had several past students bring their children to my center. Seeing the next generation adulting with their children is an amazing feeling. I can not help but feel pride in seeing the next generation be parents knowing I had a hand in setting the foundation.
Robin Masnicoff headshot
Tell us about yourself:
I am a director of Beth Shir Shalom ECC a reform synagogue preschool in Santa Monica. I have worked in he Jewish community my entire adult life starting in Jewish Camping as a counselor at Camp JCA. I have been in the early childhood field for almost four decades. I am married and have to adult daughters, one son in-law, two grandsons and another grandson due in February.