ϲ’s Rabbi Aryeh Cohen Has a Weekly Talmudic Podcast for Everyone

cohen podcast hero

Rabbi Aryeh Cohen, PhD is Professor of Rabbinic Literature and a former chair of the Rabbinics Department in the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies. In recent months Rabbi Cohen developed a weekly Talmud podcast called Daf Shvui / Weekly Daf: Give me forty minutes or so and I'll give you a daf or so, where he invites listeners to daf shvu'i, a weekly page of Talmud. In about 40-50 minutes anyone can learn a page of the Talmud with Rabbi Cohen. No previous experience is required. 

The latest podcast, the last one for the Jewish year 5781, Baba Bathra 73b-74b, discussed stories of the travels of the Rabbis down to the sea, out to the desert to meet monsters, to see those who died in the desert, to hear God lament at Sinai, and to hear the wailing of Korach and his community. 

Rabbi Cohen has created and taught most of the courses in the Rabbinics curriculum over the more than two decades of his affiliation with the Ziegler School. His research and scholarship sit at the intersection of Talmud, Jewish ethics, and social justice activism. This is present in his teaching, especially his senior seminar “Issues of Justice,” a Project Based Learning course in which students must develop advocacy based in Jewish text on a social justice issue. His latest book Justice in the City: An Argument from the Sources of Rabbinic Judaism emerges from and articulates the same concerns. 

Dr. Cohen is also the Rabbi in Residence at Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, a national social justice organization. In this role, he organizes the Jewish community around issues of immigration justice and restorative justice and mobilizes a multifaith community of clergy and laypeople to nonviolent direct action.  

To view all Dr. Cohen’s podcasts, visit .


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Michelle Starkman, M.A., MBA

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(310) 440-1526